The Nordic Water Network held three autumn schools the past two weeks: the Water Week at the NTNU in Trondheim, the Flow Measurement Methods course at the TU in Berlin and the Advanced Measurement Techniques for Different Flow Fields school at the CUT in Cracow. Students from the partner universities could participate in the courses and experience different teaching, learning and cultural environments as well as see cutting edge research implemented first hand. Lectures were held by professores and lecturers from all partner universities.


Stormwater catchment reservoir in Trondheim


Water Week in Trondheim, October 2nd-6th

At the NTNU in Trondheim, ten students from TU Berlin learned about pumping infrastructure, waste and storm water management, water treatment and asset management as well as the outcome of major EU and Norwegian projects on the impact of climate change on water matters. Furthermore, the week was filled with several field visits and excursions. Among the latter was a tour of a nearby field site for stormwater catchment and the department labs for drinking water as well as an exercise on water infiltration measurements.



Flow Measurement Methods in Berlin, October 9th-13th 


Students during flow measurements in the Fluid System Dynamics laboratory in Berlin

In Berlin, 28 students from all four partner universities participated in the Flow Measurement Methods school, a course teaching different techniques for temperature, pressure, flow, and other measurements. Students were confronted with introductory lectures to special techniques like Laser Doppler or Particle Image Velocimetry. Furthermore, they had the chance for computer based exercises and hands-on measurement work in the laboratory. The week was concluded with an excursion to the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt.

Advanced Measurement Techniques for Different Flow Fields in Cracow, October 9th-13th


Experiments at the Dobczyce river reservoir in Cracow

Last but not least, the Advanced course for flow measurements was held by our partner in Cracow, the CUT. The week opened with an extensive field exercise at the Rudawa river with on-site measurements and continued on the second day with a trip to the Dobczyce reservoir and dam. Lectures were given on advanced PIV measurements, laseroptical flow as well as on pumps, textiles and modeling and how they are related to measurements. The topics were also discussed within the scope of CFD measurements and practical examples in the laboratory.

We thank all our partner universities for hosting these schools and all the students for participating. We are already looking forward to fall 2018’s edition!



Students during the tour of the Fluid Systems Dynamics lab in Berlin


Dobczyce dam in Poland


A greenroof at a stormwater catchment reservoir in Trondheim