Photo © KURAS

Starting from the winter term 2019/2020 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andrea Cominola if offering a new course on “Advanced Modelling of Urban Water Systems” at Technische Universität Berlin.

In this course for master students, the phenomenon of digitalisation of urban water systems will be analysed, with particular focus on the theory and application of advanced data-driven models in this realm.

The course will be structured with 5 sub-topics, which will enable the students to get an overview of the different elements of modern urban water systems, acquire knowledge about best modelling practices, get insights on the interactions of water and energy systems in urban areas, and understand the role of human behaviour and cyber-physical security in such systems.

The five sub-subjects are:

  1. Introduction to urban water networks and digitalization
  2. Advanced modelling and management of urban water networks
  3. Smart metering and behavioural modelling
  4. Water-energy nexus in urban systems
  5. Cybersecurity of urban water networks

The course consists of a lecture on Tuesdays, from 10:15 – 11:45 am and a project Wednesdays from 14:15 – 15.45 pm. First lecture will take place on October 15th 2019.

For more information click on the link  or just come to the first lecture next week.