Parallel to the spring school the Nordic Water Network invited professors and research associates to a workshop in order to discuss future collaboration. 25 people from NTNU Trondheim, CUT Cracow, TU Berlin and DAAD followed the invitation.

Professor´s Workshop For two days the participants were discussing cooperation possibilities within the network and funding opportunities for joint research projects. Subsequent concrete ideas for such projects were discussed in working groups.

During the workshop intersections of the research foci of the participating departments were worked out. “The results of our discussion are a great basis for joint research projects,” sums Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thamsen up. In order to follow up, the resulted topics were assigned and a date for a next meeting was focused.
“The outstanding interest in the first professor´s workshop of the Nordic Water Network proves that we are on the right track”, concludes Markus Fischer, organizer of the workshop.